ECOTOOLS Brushes Review

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Hi guys!

So, it's been a few days since my last post. I've been really busy with work and sorting out my new college course, so, I haven't found the time until now. I've somehow managed to bust my ankle (NO IDEA HOW... VERY ANNOYING) so I'm home sick from work today and tomorrow. Silver lining - I get to blog!

Today's blog will be all about my favourite makeup brushes: ECOTOOLS.

(C) Aoife Doyle FairlyFabulousBlog 2015

I first discovered ECOTOOLS a few years ago when I was looking for a new eyeshadow brush and I haven't looked back since really! The brushes are so soft and luxurious feeling and they work so well not to mention they look fabulous: love the rose gold metal details. The long bamboo handle, makes it really easy to apply your makeup as you can actually see what you're doing.

I actually love these brushes and I've yet to find better ones!

I've bought mine in Boots and TKMaxx. 

These are all of my ECOTOOLS: (I have quite a few...)

(C) Aoife Doyle FairlyFabulousBlog 2015
(C) Aoife Doyle FairlyFabulousBlog 2015
How cute is the packaging?!
(C) Aoife Doyle FairlyFabulousBlog 2015

Their brushes are all made with recycled materials making them super eco-friendly! They come in a little "eco pouch", so when you buy these brushes you're doing a little something for the environment!

So far I have six of their brushes, but I'll probably purchase more!

I'll do individual reviews on these brushes in the coming weeks cause they'd take up way to much room in one post!

You can buy them online from here. Prices aren't higher than €15 in Boots (even cheaper in TKMaxx) so they're very affordable! A bargain! They even do little sets which would make a perfect gift... to yourself!

Check out ECOTOOLS' website here!

Happy Shopping!!!

Aoife :) x

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All opinions expressed on Fairly Fabulous are honest and my own. If I am sent a product to review, I will always let you know. Same goes for sponsored posts, affiliate links, or collaborations with brands.