About Me

Hey there!

Looks like you've found your way to my 'About Me' page... So, what do you want to know?

Let me see...

My name is Aoife Doyle, I'm 23 and I'm living in Ireland. That's me looking super serious in the picture to the right.

I work as a freelance Trainee Assistant Director in the Irish film and television industry, and I love what I do! Very exciting, and not even slightly glamorous!

I have waaaay to much makeup and even more clothes, so I thought, why not share them with the world?

I'm by no means a makeup artist, and you'll never hear me claiming to be one - I still struggle with getting that perfect flick! Nor am I a model - I'm usually the shortest person in a group, but I love fashion - I'm the Kim of my family.

On Fairly Fabulous you'll find plenty of Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle tips, tricks and tangents.

So grab a cup of tea, or a glass of wine (it is five o'clock somewhere), settle yourself down and I hope you enjoy my little corner of the internet!

             Much Love,

You can find my social media links over there on the right, or by searching these below:

Facebook:   Fairly Fabulous Blog
Instagram: @FairlyFabulous
Snapchat:   @FairlyFabulousB
Twitter:       @FairlyFabulousB

P.S. My disclaimer is at the end of the page...

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All opinions expressed on Fairly Fabulous are honest and my own. If I am sent a product to review, I will always let you know. Same goes for sponsored posts, affiliate links, or collaborations with brands.